Byzantine Empire, Constantine X Ducas and Eudocia, Æ follis

1059-1067 AD, Constantinople

Byzantine Empire, Constantine X Ducas and Eudocia, Æ follis
Byzantine Empire, Constantine X Ducas and Eudocia, Æ follis
150.00 VAT margin scheme
Article code15-1252
Bronze follis, Constantinople mint.

Obverse: Christ standing facing, wearing nimbus and holding Book of Gospels.
Legend: +EMMA NOVHA; IC XC across fields.
Reverse: Eudocia standing on left, Constantine standing on right, each one places one hand on heart, both standing facing on base and three steps, holding labarum with cross-piece on shaft between them.

25-30 mm
Weight: 8,64 grams
SB 1853